Install RESTful Provider for Tenant ServiceΒΆ


The following steps assume that you have completed the steps from Install RESTful Provider plus Data Exchange Tenant Service Tenant for versions prior to 5.0.0.

  1. Download the Installation Guide for Data Exchange Tenant Service

  2. Follow Install using PowerShell and Sitecore Installation Framework steps in the Install the web-component of Tenant Service on IIS section.

  3. Download RESTful Provider for Tenant Service and Sitecore Provider Plugin for Tenant Service.

  4. Download SIF plugin installation scripts for Tenant Service. It contains the following files:

    • deploy.plugin.ps1 - a PowerShell deployment script

    • plugin-xp0.json - an installation configuration files

  5. Unzip the installation script files.

  6. Open a PowerShell console with administrator rights. Navigate to the folder where you unpacked the installation script files. Run the deploy.plugin.ps1 script with the following syntax:

    .\deploy.plugin.ps1 -TenantServiceInstanceName "<tenant service instance>" -ServicePackage "<path to tenant file>"





    The name of your Data Exchange Tenant Service instance.



    The location of the RESTful Provider for Tenant Service or Sitecore Provider Plugin for Tenant Service package.

    c:\SIF\RESTful Provider for Tenant

  1. Follow Configure a tenant service connection string steps in the Install the web-component of Tenant Service on IIS section of installation guide.